Monday, May 3, 2010

Thanks for the goodies!

Heck yes i have received a lot of goodies and they all came on the same day! i felt soo much love, extend my thanks to the Northridge ward they also gave me a lot, umm some people especially though are the Lesuers, but that's the only name i can think of off the top of my head... don't think i can take much of it to Peru but my district will be eating through it relatively quickly, i would have never finished it, elder Brownlow our district leader said that i have lost weight since being here here says my face looks narrower oh well i weighed my self and I'm still the same but my belt has gotten bigger I'm down three notches.

Don't know if the flight's direct but we will be spending about twelve hours traveling ugh oh well great time for study!

oh and you really didn't have to send the i home back! i am grateful don't get me wrong, but at the same time it is very heavy and i would rather go without music than pay an extra 150 to bring it to Peru! but thanks it means alot that you care so much for me!

Sounds like a lot is happening in Arizona! wow! i love to hear but if you want my thoughts on all of it i need handwritten letters there is way to much to talk about in 30 minutes!!! ahh, oh well this week has been awesome though.

I have $99 cash with $100 emergency, have no idea how much is on my debit card i haven't checked in forever, but any help will be appreciated even just knowing its there for me.

ok well my comp says they have cool belts in Peru, but I'll need to get myself some llama fur moccasins they are supposed to be waaaaay comfortable.. haha, he has been there a couple of times doing humanitarian work and it is awesome to have his experience!

Spanish is coming along well, my brain now has a switch which lets me go back and forth when I'm thinking, which has been a blessing in its own right!

We have been talking alot about identity this week and i just want to let you know that i know i am a son of god that he knows who i am and every detail about me, and that he is there with me through every step of my life carrying me when i become to weak to walk.

It has been same old same old though i am getting way excited to go to Peru! we were looking at the calendar and saw we have been her for almost 20 days! it is soo hard to believe so much time has passed, days are long weeks are short and it is a real blessing to keep a journal because i really can't remember anything already let alone in two years good grief too much happens!

tell every one i love them and tell tate i am proud of his baseball powers aaron for his giant brain working on that project and marlee for always being soo amazingly wonderful at everything she puts her mind to! Tell shan that i love him and mom be patient with everyone, as far as I'm concerned as long we are doing what the lord would have us do and loving everyone in our lives everything will work out, if not in this life than in the eternities but everything Will be awesome!!

love you can't wait to write from Peru my address will probably change but hopefully not my email looking forward to the next wave of letters!!! jajaja!

hasta luego. para siempre dios este con vos!