Sunday, August 22, 2010

Welcom to the family Kristi......Down to 190 lbs.....lost 40.

OK so i have a little bit more time so i just wanted to say WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW what is it like to have a new daughter in the house give Kristi my love and warm welcome into the family send lots of pictures and i will try and send pictures the next time I'm on a normal computer i cant plug my camera into this one! umm i got a letter from Marlee and have written a response and the letter is in my camera but i cant send it which is really kind of frustrating, but just wanted to say thank you Marlee because she has been the only one to give me any detail about how Shannon proposed.  The rest of you just said that they were finally engaged! so Marlee takes the cake soo far with letters!! oh and BTW I won the competition i said that he would be engaged within 6 months and married within 1 year and i distinctly remember Marlee saying engaged within a year and married within 2 and so I'm pretty sure i won. that's my story and I'm sticking to it! anyways sounds like Tate is doing a ton of new stuff and that is soo awesome!

oh i found out how much i weigh
before 230lbs or 111kilos
now 190lbs or 94kilos
after mission ???lbs or ???kilos
but i am significantly smaller!

umm and a final reminder that i really would like you guys to copy and paste all of the letters from LANCE AND DANIEL INTO DEARELDER.COM

8/16/10 - The real news

OK so i actually have a story to tell this week and it starts in San Juakin  during a companion exchange with the zone leaders who i was with in San Juakin and loving life.  We visited a family that i know really well (the family with the lipstick game) and were able to talk with them and I could feel a little bit of sickness coming on so i thought well i might as well taste something sweet so i bought a slice of cake and it was soo good it was the first desert i can normally consider a desert since Arizona! but in the morning i was back in the normal greengo diareah stage and enjoying life. at 12:40 we swapped back and i was once again in San Isidro but our lunch appointment fell through (eating with members not her fault she lives really far away and we couldn't make it in time) because we needed to be in la chirana for a baptism because the investigator asked my companion to do the honors so we arrived exactly on time(3:00pm) but the baptism didn't start until(4:00pm) and we needed to be in our area by 6:00pm so we could baptize our investigator Jose Antonio Garcia Perez (age 23) and we arrived at (5:30pm) so we were frantic trying to clean the church and the room for the baptism and then we had to go and get my white temple pants and give them to Milton Montoya (his friend) to baptize him. well at (6:00) there was another activity in the church where the members cooked deserts presented them and then ate them and we were going to have a baptism in the same church at the same time so i thought great perfect we can have the support of all these people too! well the thing is they wouldn't bother themselves to move one classroom over and give support until the third time we asked and then alot of people just left and about ten came in anyways we were about to start when we realized that we didn't have the clothes for Jose to be baptized and we ran as fast a we could back to our apartment got the clothes and returned and were able to perform the ordinance at about (6:40pm)

OK that is part one

Part two is the day after (Sunday) we had the opportunity to speak during sacrament meeting and i was assigned to speak for ten minutes and my companion 15 about missionary work.  Well as i have been constantly talking about in this area there has been a sufficient lack of enthusiasm or support for new members and for this many people fall away from the church so i was going to direct my talk on this exact topic. well i got up and started talking and really I'm not entirely sure what i said ( the only thing i can compare it to is a blessing one, where it really isn't your words and afterwords you really cant remember what you said but it leaves a lasting impression on the people) well i didn't speak for 10 minutes i spoke for about 35 minutes and my companion said i started off great talking about the difference in culture and then i started beating people across the face with a sledgehammer. And the only reason i stopped was my companion gave me the time out sign which means that we have to stop and go somewhere else so i stopped and sat down.  Later after the meeting my companion said the bishop (behind me) was freaking out that he was sweating and that afterwords he confronted Presidente Gido Pelaiz (assistant to President manning and good friend) about my talk and that a missionary shouldn't talk like that and was really flusters and angry and Presidente Gido said no he said exactly what needed to be said and that he had all the right to say it.

Well needless to say there was a change in program after me my companion was only allowed to bear his testimony and then end the meeting with a hymn. After the meeting everyone i talked to told me that my talk was powerful and that it was hard and that the people needed to hear it and need to wake up and take an active part in missionary work. well i hope with all of my heart and soul that my talk doesn't become just words but that it will motivate people to action!

anyways afterwords i was exhausted and i can only liken it unto moses when he was exhausted after his vision.

oh we also encountered a golden family to replace our golden investigator

LOVE YOU SOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8/16/10 - Answered questions........

Did the baptism take place on Saturday? Yes and this is a huge part of the story this week!
more baptism dates set? Yes! Sandra and we are working with an amazing family right now too!
How is the health? Great
have you been able to go another week without being sick? Almost i was a little sick in a San Juakin
Pretty weird to think of Stevie driving huh? Yeah when i left he was soo tiny!
Speaking of books, in your letter you said you had just completed “Jesus the Christ”. What I want to know is if it was in Spanish or English? It was in English! of course the giant English words are a third language for me
Are you just as comfortable speaking Spanish now as you are speaking English? Yes English a Spanish both come naturally and flow fluidly but English is definitely easier!
Or would you rather be speaking English? sometimes i thinks so but not really i am very grateful for the opportunity i have to be speaking another language
So, what is it that you really want from the good ol US of A? or from home? UMM PHOTOS!! GRANOLA!!! LETTERS!!!! and I'm sure Tate is not so big now that he cant fit!
Lance is still in St. George and doing well there. He is enjoying serving there in the Spanish speaking area. OK so you guys really just need to copy and paste his letters into a letter for me every week and the same with Daniel's too! i really would like top hear their experiences! first hand!
I don’t know how I would keep it or post it on your blog!! me neither but i have been just as bad with the video journal as the normal the problem is there really is just no time and as soon as we are done plannings for the next day my brain really just turns off.
That was pretty weird how in that café you were in how everything was being put up on a screen for all to see. Does that happen often? well this is the second time..
Do you always go to the same place to email? yes
Why do you think you were so sick? I was sick because i was eating too much... let me explain here it is the culture to eat a ton of food and during the week we eat with our person and come the end of the week my bowls cant take it and really just hits the get rid of everything button and evertyhing comes out of every possible side.

8/9/10 First 2 baptisms scheduled!!

Well its been great to hear from all of you and the story continues! Well i actually haven't been sick in a week which in and of itself is a miracle considering how badly I've been sick since coming out here! anyways thanks for the prayers on my behalf! OK so there weren't many questions this week just a lot of desire to know whats going on so I'll just start typing and see where that takes us. So the big event this week has been the training that all our missionaries have been going through to prepare for the transition the the new system of teaching people! which i think has been a big improvement anyways elder Quispe was in Pisco which is about an hour by bus from Ica and every morning and night he had to commute to Pisco to learn from President Manning. While he was there i was left with Elder Rojas and Elder Meneses two great missionaries Elder Roja only has two weeks in the field and has a strong testimony and Elder Meneses has five months and is a spiritual giant, his voice invokes the spirit which is really cool, but for these three days we went about our normal teaching business the Chiranna in the morning San Isidro in the afternoon, it was really fun and we had a lot of powerful experiences like with Violetta Huamani we were talking with her about how god is her heavenly father and she closed with a prayer and started bawling, well needless to say we asked what was wrong and she said that her daughter who only was 19 years had left home and hadn't visited in over a week and we were trying to console her and talking about how Christ knows how she feels and was really a remarkable experience, spiritually productive maybe spiritually strengthening of course. anyways that was one of the cool experiences i had this week.

Ok so right now in this very moment i am writing on a giant computer in a public Internet store thing and this giant computer is on display so that everyone in the street can look in and see what i am writing which makes me very grateful that i am writing in English and they cant understand what it is that i am writing.

anyways something a little bit funny we have asked our two golden investigators to be baptized Jose Antonio Garcia Perez on the 14th of august and Sandra Pellanne for the 28th of august the thing is that we wont baptize them Jose has asked his friend Milton Montoya and Sandra's husband (returned missionary) I'm sure will do the honors so yeah we have two baptisms and no i don't think that i will baptise either which is ok by me the only important thing is that the ordinance is preformed but there i was thinking my first 2 baptisms! and then oh all the work none of the glory huh well thats ok the lord giveth and the lord taketh away...
Anyways another woman we have been working with Elisa Galindo Quispe(35+/-) is amazing she is the mother of two children Heidy(9) and Grerardo(12) and they are making huge progress and we are planning to ask them to be baptized this week we just need to make sure not to loose them and are working to fellowship them as much as possible!

ok so my stories are becoming fact for fact not very detailed in which i apologize but I really don't know what to say more than i already have which in an of itself i guess is a testimony of how normal the mission life has become and i kind of feel like talking about the normal is boring when even the normal here might be extraordinary to you guys.

ok so here is a little tidbit for Marlee all the stores here and i mean all of them are all arranged by type, let me explain if you want to buy shoes you go to a certain street and there is about fifty stores that sell nothing but shoes or if you want to buy electronics there is a separate street with fifty more stores that sell nothing but electronics and it is the same with dentists, doctors, spas, salons, clothes...etc. and this is pretty cool strange but cool!
ok so i still have time to write but im not sure what to write about... hmm... maybe making a video journal of five minutes every night and then sending the videos would be more helpful...

anyways i have been studying Jesus the Christ and have finished the book which of itself was a huge accomplishment and i have been studying the gospel of christ or the doctrine of christ namley faith repentance baptism holy ghost and endure to the end!!!

anyways ...................... this north american is talking to me about twilight and i was slightly distracted

ok well it has been a good study of the evangelio de Jesucristo and how very perfect the plan really is and i have been really studying the scriptures not just reading which i think has really opened my mind to what i thought were mysteries and i have had my testimony strengthened to the point of which my soul hungers to read.

is summer al ready over?! wow I guess that means that time for writing me has gone from some to one.... but thats ok i know the lord will bless those who can endure to the end. Oh btw i was thinking about it and i have finished 4/24 of my mission.

OK so i mentioned in my email that we found two golden investigators"!
Ok first is Sandra Pellalle She is the wife of a returned missionary and wanted to lean about the gospel becaue they wants to be sealed in the temple! AHHHH! amazing so we are working with her to help her get a testimony for herself and we are planning to baptize her on the 28 of august!
the second is Jose Antonio
he had heard of the church and attended a few meetings and came to us and asked to recieve the lessons (well of course is our response) and start teaching him he is way receptive and had the oportunity to participate in somehting akin to a youth conference and so now he has a ton of friends in the chruch, and this sunday he came and asked us to be baptized and we put a date for the 14th of august (btw he is bigger than me thats strange here) but it has been a huge spiritual blessing to have these two glden eggs in our nest.

I just want you guys to know that i love you and that i know this is the church of god and that when we endure with faith we last longer and stronger than we think possible
ok mini story

there was once two farmers with adjoining feilds who were passing through a drought and didnt know if this year would be good for the crops they both were tusting in god to send the rain. one farmer went out and prepared the field while the other patiently waited to see if his efforts would be worth it. and when the rain finally came the farmer who had prepared the field was happy and the one who diddnt missed the oportunity to utilize the rain

ok lots of morals but right now it is even though we dont know if the rain will come - blessings<<<<< we need to prepare ourselve to recieve them